Enjoy San Andres sex resort package all inclusive

About forty dive sites, one of the best beaches in the Caribbean, a blue sea but also green and lilac tones, and people full of kindness … those are some of the charms of the islands of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, located in the Colombian Caribbean.

The Archipelago, located about 230 kilometers east of Central America and about 750 kilometers north of the Colombian continental territory, was declared in 2000 the World Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. This reserve not only includes the islands and their distant keys; In addition, it makes up 10% of the Caribbean Sea, with an extension greater than 300 thousand square kilometers.

Travelers from all over the world come to these paradisiacal islands in search of perfect sunsets, white sand beaches and tall palm trees that move with the breeze and that, combined with the carefree smiles of their habitants, make this destination one of the best Places to spend a tropical vacation.

In this little paradise the influences of English, Spanish, pirates and privateers mixed with the Afro people to result in a culture of great wealth. In fact, you probably hear the locals speak Creole, a particular mix of Isabelian English, Spanish and African dialects.

But do not worry! Sanandresans also speak Spanish and English, so communication is very simple. This cultural fusion has left an imprint on music, including rhythms such as reggae, reggaeton, soca, calypso, merengue, vallenato and salsa.

Things To Do Things To Do

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–CITY TOUR– Cartagena is a fascinating city where every sight has a different story to tell. You will be able to see colonial streets of the old town, as well as the bright, modern city. You will be able to admire the beautiful architecture structures of the city. You will visit many historical landmarks as well as browse artisan markets for unique souvenirs and provided with the culture and history of the city from your expert guide. You can view the walled town and visit the different squares in the city while admiring the old colonial houses filled with history and legend. In the end, we take a tour of the modern section of Cartagena. The city tour has a duration of approximately 4 hours. Lunch & Transportation from and back to the hotel included with the tour. $350.00

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