Visit the Explora park and discover Medellin by public transport

  • group

  • walk

  • transport


The city has made significant progress and is considered a sign of improvement. The construction of library parks and the access of marginalized communities to the city have led to greater inclusion. Visit the northern part of the city, enjoy the spaces of the “Parque de los Deseos”, take the metro – a panoramic tour from the Metrocable to Santo Domingo, one of the peripheral neighborhoods shows its transformation.

Continue to the Park and explore “an interactive center for the appropriation and dissemination of science and technology with more than 300 interactive experiences distributed in various rooms and experimentation spaces for everyone, as well as one of the largest aquariums in South America.”

Duration4 hours
PriceFrom 120 USD
PlaceMedellin / Explora Park – Wishes Park and Metrocable ride